Animal Health

  • Dairy


  • Cattle


  • Sheep


  • Equine


  • Birds


  • Companion Animals

    Companion Animals



Dairy farming is part of a long and proud tradition in New Zealand and we are now the world’s eighth largest milk producer. With approximately 4.2 million dairy milking cows in New Zealand prevention of ill-health or distress to the animals is critical.

Drenching is used to ensure the overall health and wellbeing of the animal and balance the diet of dairy cows and to provide protection against internal and external parasites, metabolic and other illnesses. With the increasing levels of resistance in cattle, combination drenches should be used routinely to improve and maintain the efficacy of available drench actives

As an Example

Dairy Sanitisers
Nutritional Supplements
Teat Sprays



The different systems of beef cattle production that exist in New Zealand can be divided into those involving beef breeding cows and those that are concerned with the growing and finishing of beef cattle. New Zealand supplies about 8% of the world’s export beef trade – exporting 80% of the beef it produces. Most cattle in New Zealand are grazed on pasture all year-round and not fattened on grain

There may be hundreds of thousands of internal parasite worms in a cow’s gut, and each gram of dung dropped can contain thousands of eggs that will hatch on the pasture into microscopic larvae ready to be eaten by other stock. Young stock are most affected by these internal parasites and need early drenching with an anthelmintic, or special management, to keep numbers low. Older cattle may also require strategic drenching.

As an Example

Ecto Parasiticides
Nutritional Drenches



Sheep farming has been crucial in the development of the economy in New Zealand, and for 130 years was the most important agricultural industry. Today New Zealand has almost 40 million sheep although numbers peaked to 70 million in 1982. Sheep are largely dual purpose wool/meat animals. New Zealand export mutton and lamb (sheepmeats) as well as enjoying higher (currently) pricing for wool (strong) internationally.

Focusing on good lice control is vital to maximise return on investment. Prevention is more successful and cost effective than trying to treat lice in long wool sheep pre-lamb, which can be expensive and sometimes only mildly successful.

As an Example

Ecto Parasiticides
Endo Parasiticides



The equine industry in New Zealand, defined as the care, breeding, grazing, leasing, riding, stabling and training of horses or teaching equestrian skills, is a significant contributor to the economy and continues to grow and develop.

Intestinal parasites are of significant concern in horses. In a natural environment, horses would graze over large amounts of space, thereby reducing the risk of transmission of intestinal parasites. Most horses, however, are stabled with several other horses in a relatively small space. Additionally, many horses travel for competition or other activities, thus increasing the chance for parasite exposure and transmission.

As an Example

Anti Ulcer Medicines
OTC Grooming Products



Birds in suspended cages, such as budgies, should be de-wormed once or twice a year as the chances of re-infestation are low.  This is because they spend little or no time on the ground and their cages are regularly cleaned.

Ground-dwelling birds, such as chickens and quails, should be de-wormed three to four times a year especially if on dirt or sand floors.  Dirt and sand floors will gradually accumulate worm eggs and the only way to stop this is to change the top few inches every year.  The level of worm eggs on concrete floors can be kept low by cleaning the floors regularly with soapy water.

Free-range birds are more at risk of becoming infected with worms because of their increased exposure to the outdoors, more contact with wild birds and the opportunities they have to ingest insects such as snails and earthworms that can harbour infectious stages of the worms.

As an Example


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Companion Animals

Companion Animals

A companion animal is any animal that shares a living environment and relationship with humans.

The term ˜companion animal" is an all-encompassing phrase given to an entire spectrum of animals with whom interaction and/or companionship is enjoyed by humans, and where a responsible guardianship is established and accepted for their welfare by humans.

Where it is accepted that this degree of ˜companionship" will vary by species, the expression "companion animal" acknowledges the important role all such animals play in our society.

As an Example

Environmental Sprays eg household and animal flea treatment sprays
OTC Grooming Products

Jaychem is a New Zealand GMP Contract Manufacturer of veterinary preparations. These cover a comprehensive range of animal health products for both livestock animals (sheep, beef, dairy and poultry) and companion animals (cats, dogs and horses). These products help to improve and enhance animal welfare and therefore protect public health

Jaychem is dedicated to supporting our customers raise the best livestock and companion animals possible. We have a strong commitment to ongoing research and development and we work closely with our customers to ensure we understand and meet their needs in an ever changing and demanding environment

Jaychem is a registered manufacturer of Veterinary Medicines approved by the Agricultural & Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) Group through the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) to manufacture, fill and pack  non-sterile veterinary preparations



Jaychem’s capabilities include:

  • Oral liquids (suspensions, anthelmintics)
  • Ecto liquids (ectoparasiticides, anthelmintics)
  • Oral pastes and gels
  • Topical creams, ointments and gels
  • Solutions (teat sprays, bloat oils and dairy sanitisers)
  • Batch sizes 200L - 5,500L

© 2019 Jaychem Industries Ltd